Svarta Huset, Telefonplan, Stockholm
23 – 26 mars 2017
Studio 44 på Supermarket Art Fair 2017
På Supermarket Art Fair 2017, med temat ”Intimitet”, har vi skapat ett scenografiskt vardagsrum.
Till detta rum har galleriets medlemmar bjudits in att delta med egna verk eller bidrag fritt på temat.
Bidragen kommer inte att presenteras med namn utan det ska kännas som hemma, där alla verk har en historia men ingen namnskylt.
I rummet/montern kommer att finnas sköna möbler, TV med egna filmer, fika etc. Vår förhoppning är att besökare ska känna sig välkomna att sitta ner en stund för att diskutera konst och annat, samt att kontakter med andra grupper ska knytas.
This year at Supermarket Art Fair 2017, in acknowledgment of the theme ’ Intimacy ’ we have curated a staged living room environment. ’A room of our own’ where we have included various artworks from members of Studio 44, alongside our own private belongings. Thereby presenting ourselves as artists whils simultaneously opening up the dialogue around the private/public realm that the artist inhabits.
We have chosen to present Studio 44 at Supermarket Art Fair by allowing all members who want to contribute with a photo or other image, free on this theme. Or, of course, a drawing or a small rough sculpture or the like. These grants will not be accompanied by the nameplate.
The images are then mounted on the wall in a theatrical and artificial ”home environment”.
The booth will be decorated with used furniture, wallpaper, carpets, a television set where any film can be shown.
We hope it will feel welcome to hang out for a while and take a coffee or a couple of glasses of wine and discuss art and other subjects.
’A room of our own’ – an open invitation into the public/private realm of Studio 44 members.
Exhibition coordinators: Mariana Ekner, Kjell Hansson, Geraldine Hudson, Helena Norell, Peter Varhelyi