Catrin Lundqvist

Catrin Lundqvist is a documentary film director and visual artist. She works with text and image which she allows to interact through poetic and realistic elements. Vision and reality meet when painting and text find a common path and produce concrete motifs with dreamlike moods.

With her origins in a working-class family, she is mainly interested in environments with people who are less represented in the world of art. She is educated in visual arts, film, textile crafts, and art history.

Since 2004, Catrin Lundqvist has run the company Domestic Art, where she makes her art, but also works as a curator, producer, and writer. With her own company, she has created projects in Stockholm and other Nordic countries, London/England, Tel Aviv/Israel, Bucharest/Romania, Baku/Azerbaijan, Bangkok/Thailand, and Dhaka/Bangladesh.

Since 2019, Catrin Lundqvist has collaborated with the artist Monica Larsson. The joint project The Smoke Would Blow Towards the Russians has its origins in stories that both artists heard when they were growing up, about the Rönnskär smelter in Skelleftehamn in northern Sweden. For several years, they have jointly investigated various aspects of how the smelter has created prosperity for the society and its inhabitants but also contributed to serious environmental destruction and ill health. The work has resulted in exhibitions with painting, video, archival photography, and text.

For more than twenty years, Catrin Lundqvist has worked as a curator at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm and thus has broad experience in program and exhibition operations. She has collaborated with many of the most internationally renowned artists in the fields of visual art, performance, film, music, dance, literature and poetry.