Basecamp2 på UND#5 Plattform für Kunstinitiativen Karlsruhe

UND #5

Mancyhalle Karlsruhe

Kunstinitiativen Karlsruhe

3 – 7 March 2010

Jannike Brantås
Michael Ellburg
Rikard Fåhraeus
Monika Masser
Lotte Nilsson-Välimaa
Kenneth Pils

Basecamp – a temporary home for the essentials while the world is explored. The yellow signal color marks the location, a position to start from.

At the beginning of March, a group met on the occasion of In the following months, the Basecamp theme took shape. During numerous meetings and long discussions, the exhibition form and theme have been processed together.
The result is six artists’ interpretations and deeply personal expressions in widely different media such as: photography, installation, sound, painting, performance and sculpture.
At UND#5, new works and further developments of works shown at are shown.